Monday, November 22, 2010

Technology as a Tool for Differenctiation - Health Education

Technology as a Tool for Differentiation - Health Eduction


Within a unit, create a menu of options and have students self-select learning tasks.

Nutrition and Drug Education will be the units.

Action Plan:

I will choose two units and create a menu of learning tasks for students to complete. The menu will include options that involve technology in some way. I will create one learning menu for 7/8 and another for 9/10th.

Data Sources

Rubric for me:

1. Time on task

2. Engagement and enthusiasm.

3. Learning outcomes. Level of learning (1-7 IB Rubric)

4. Selection of tasks. Do students challenge themselves?

Survey for Students:

1. Engagement and enthusiasm

2. Learning of material

3. Confidence with material

4. Selection of tasks. How did you select?

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